Chairman JKSDMI  expresses resolve to support Kashmiris’ just struggle

ISLAMABAD, Feb 03 (APP): Chairman Jammu Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International, Raja Najabat Hussain has reiterated the commitment to continue support for Kashmiri people’s struggle to get the inalienable right to self-determination.
In an exclusive interview with Radio Pakistan, Raja Najabat Hussain said his organisation will arrange week-long programs across the globe to raise voice against Indian aggression in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Raja Najabat said being the representative of British Kashmiris, JKSDMI is holding several meetings, functions, seminars and conferences, especially with the British parliamentarians in connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day to be observed on February 5.
He said JKSDMI was working closely with all the Pakistani and Kashmiri organisations in the UK, Europe and at the international fora and we are fully committed to working with those organisations and parliamentarians who are supporting us to protect the rights of Kashmiri people.
Najabat Hussain said they were also in close contact with the Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora and Pakistan’s missions across the globe to raise the voices against Indian atrocities in  Kashmir, especially after the 5th of August 2019.
He said even Indian supporters were also condemning this move of the Modi regime.  He expressed regret that Indian courts were just listening to the voice of the Indian government as Modi was putting pressure on every institution to suppress the Kashmiri nation’s freedom struggle under its Hindutva ideology.